Whistleblower policy
Introduction & Purpose
We have rules and laws that govern our operations. Everyone is responsible for knowing and following them.
If someone violates these rules, it can harm both the company and its employees. The whistleblower policy is designed to encourage employees to be open and report when something goes wrong or does not work as it should.
Who Can Report? Anyone connected to our operations can report: employees, contracted personnel (consultants), interns, customers, subcontractors, etc. It doesn't matter if you have information before, during, or after your connection to us. Protection also applies to those who assist the reporter, such as union representatives.
Examples of Misconduct
- Violations of law
- Tax & accounting offenses
- Money laundering
- Violations of data protection regulations
- Corruption
- Misuse of company or public funds
- Theft
- Violations of governmental regulations
- Disloyal competition
- Actions that pose a danger to life, health, and the environment
- Sexual harassment or other serious harassment or discrimination of any kind
- Other inappropriate or unprofessional behaviors, abuse of power, etc.
Protection for Reporters
Those who report are protected against reprisals. It is forbidden to punish or discriminate against them. Protection applies even if the information is confidential.
How to Report? Reports can be made orally or in writing to your immediate supervisor, HR, or by sending an email to whistleblower@swede-wheel.se. There is also an anonymous form on the website where you can report, www.swede-wheel.se. Reports can also be made externally to authorities if needed.
What Happens Next?
All reports are investigated, internally or externally. Within 7 days, a confirmation of receipt of the case should be sent. The whistleblower is informed about the investigation within 3 months and may also be contacted if necessary.
Anonymity & Confidentiality
The reporter can remain anonymous if they wish, but we cannot provide feedback on entirely anonymous reports. The whistleblower's identity is only disclosed if necessary, such as to the police or authorities. The person is informed before their identity is disclosed if possible.
Whistleblowing form
If you want to report something, you can write a message in the form below. You choose whether you want to be anonymous or not. Your message will be sent to an HR representative at Swede-Wheel who is bound by confidentiality.
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