
Christian makes it easier

Christian is the team leader of the plastics department where he leads a team of four operators who together runs nine injection molding machines. The plastics department can be called the heart of production as all parts of the production affect and are affected daily by it.


Hi Christian! You have been part of Swede-Wheel for a long time, what has your journey been like?

Yes, that's right, next year I'm going into year number 30! I have had many different roles here, but I started by driving a forklift and have since moved on from department to department with a number of different tasks. finally, I ended up on the plastic as an operator and then I have stayed here until today, the plastic is clearly my favorite department!


What does a typical "Christian Day" look like?

A typical day for me starts with planning together with other team leaders and production managers to go through the day, something that happens, what is the focus today and generally coordinate the different departments, so we work towards the same goals.

Then I talk to my team what tasks we need to do and inform if something special happens during the day. Some typical tasks we have in a day can be, for example, changing tools, replenishing materials, and quality control.



How do you work with skills development?

We learn a lot from each other, we are good at getting the knowledge, the more experienced have, to be passed on to the younger ones. There is an enormous amount of knowledge about plastics here in the Gnosjö region and there are often courses where we participate. It's fun to share knowledge with other companies, see how they work and how we can learn from it.



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What is your proudest moment at Swede-Wheel?

My proudest moment was when I was entrusted to become the team leader. I have enjoyed working at Swede-Wheel and to be able to develop and take steps forward together with the company has been really fun! I think it's important that you can develop in an organization and get more responsibility. It's something I try to do in my leadership, if someone in my team wants more responsibility, I think that's a very good sign!


What does the future hold for the plastics department?

Good question! Together with more expensive shipping and a greater focus on sustainability, we have expanded our quality control to be present throughout the process and not just on the end product. 20 years ago, you could have saved money on scrapping and remaking, today it is important to be able to pinpoint problems that may arise throughout the manufacturing process at an early stage.

I also see that Swede-Wheel is actively working to "bring home" much of the production to Hillerstorp, we want to do as much as we can in Sweden. Last year we developed the tool department and now they are in the process of manufacturing their own tools for our injection molding machines.


There are also rumors that you are looking for more people for the plastic...

Yes, that's right! Our colleague who works the evening shift has decided to retire so that is the position we are trying to fill. I am looking for someone who has experience with plastic from before but can also show the front feet and learn more and be self-motivated. You are welcome to be stress-resistant, flexible but above all I am looking for a good colleague!